Circular Economy Business event

Last month Upper Goulburn Landcare Network collaborated with the Murrindindi Shire Council on hosting a Circular Economy think tank event for local businesses.


The keynote speaker from Sustainability Victoria, Florian van den Corput, started the proceedings with an enlightening education on the current state of our planet, our consumption levels and how long these can be sustained. A very scarily short period
of time!


Landcare facilitators, Jodie Morrison and Cat Harper then took the attendees on a tour of the Alexandra Dehydrator Project at Grant St Grocer, where they
dehydrate or “worm farm” food scraps from local businesses and turn it into a saleable soil food product.


The group then heard from Repurpose It, a Melbourne suburbs business aiming to eliminate waste and pollution through a closed-loop resource recovery system. They specialize in construction and infrastructure waste, repurposing everything from concrete, timber and bricks to contaminated soil.


After soaking in all this information from vastly different circular economy viewpoints, the attendees broke into groups and discussed the knowledge acquired and how it could relate to their business and the community in general.


The groups spoke about the need for urgent action from local Councils all the way up to the Federal Government, but also about starting at a grassroots level and what we can achieve with a groundswell of community engagement.

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