KPCFCP June-July 2019 Fox Baiting Program
Twenty nine landowners participating in the King Parrot Catchment Fox Control Project recently took part in our 2019 June-July fox baiting program.
A total of 208 Foxoff baits were taken over the 4 week duration of the baiting program which means we have potentially removed up to 208 foxes from our area.
As with any good pest animal control program it is crucial that a coordinated approach is undertaken over a large area and using a range of techniques.

Fox recently trapped using soft jaw traps
During this time DELWP have also been coordinating their fox trapping program in the adjoining state forest areas; and the Mt Sugarloaf Hunt Club have again been running their annual fox drives on neighbouring farms.

Mt Sugarloaf Hunt Club members after a recent hunt near Broadford.
Participating farmers feel that foxes are having less of an impact on their lambing survival rates and we have also had very encouraging signs of vulnerable native wildlife responding to less foxes in the landscape.
Long-nosed Bandicoot and Lyrebird observations on participating properties in the Kinglake area are up; and Brush-tailed Phascogales have recently been photographed on 3 Strath Creek properties that participated in our fox baiting program.


Long-nosed Bandicoot
To find out more about the King Parrot Catchment Fox Control Project or to take part in our 2019 Spring fox baiting program phone Chris Cobern on 0413 855 490 or email