Yea River Catchment Landcare Group
The Yea River Catchment Landcare Group currently has 40 member properties and offers a range of activities, including farm walks and field days, quarterly member meetings, guest speaker dinners at the AGM and end of year celebration, whilst also disseminating information on educational opportunities and the availability of Landcare-related grants.
- The Yea River
- Rosta busily planting
- Tom and friend on Clean Up Australia Day
- One of our many farm walks
- Morning tea following Clean Up Australia Day
- Planting at a member’s property
Landcare members typically:
- have varied interests but generally share an environmental focus.
- prefer social events that are informative and offer opportunities for networking and exchange of ideas.
- enjoy meeting in the outdoors for planting, weeding, cleaning up rubbish, farm walks and field days.
The main foci of the group are:
- revegetation
- carbon farming
- feral animal control
- weed control
- river health
- connecting and protecting remnant vegetation
- native fauna - nest boxes
- dissemination of relevant information.
Do you want to become a member?
Membership is open to any interested individual or family.
The annual subscription is $30 per family and falls due at the beginning of each financial year.
If you would like to obtain a metal Landcare gate sign, please enclose a further $18.
Payment can be made by enclosing your cheque made out to Yea River Catchment Landcare Inc and forwarding it to:
Judi Marshman
3/45 Parkhill Road
Kew Vic 3101
Direct Debit
Westpac Community Solutions Cheque Account, Benalla
Account name: Yea River Catchment Landcare Group
BSB 033-677 Account No: 10-3395
An official receipt for tax purposes will be sent.
The Landcare Group is not registered for GST.
Judi is happy to answer your questions about membership.
The following contact details are required when joining or renewing your membership by Direct Debit:
- Name
- Property name
- Residential address & postcode
- Postal Address & postcode
- Phone no/Mobile no
Thank you for your interest in Yea River Catchment Landcare Inc.
Hi, I’m interested in getting some help. I’m a farmer in Homewood and would like to plant some trees on the property. I’ve been told Landcare are the best source to get pointed in the right direction.
Hello Will,
Sorry we missed your enquiry last year. Are you still interested in revegetating your property?
Regards, Chris Cobern.
Landcare Facilitator & Project Officer
Upper Goulburn Landcare Network
PO Box 74 Yea 3717
Mobile: 0413 855 490