Useful Links

Landcare Victoria Gateway

Focus on Fauna

A wildlife fire-recovery project in the Flowerdale and Strath Creek areas of Victoria.

Goulburn Broken CMA

A handy site for any information regarding catchment management topics. Contains grant information, flora and fauna publications, current projects and useful contact details and links.

Goulburn Broken Landcare -

A great link to Landcare Groups and other networks around Victoria. Contains information on projects, dates and contacts

Dept. of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

Contains information on regarding water resources, climate change, bushfires, parks and public land, biodiversity, natural resources, agriculture, fisheries and forestry, policies, research, flora and fauna, complianceand conservation.  Especially useful is the sites Biodiversity interactive maps which includes Environmental Vegetation Classes

Murrindindi Shire Council

Mansfield Shire Council

Victorian Farmers Federation

Bioinformatics –

An fantastic interactive site that can help you to identify all types of fauna.

Australian Museum

A great resource for information on the Fauna of Australia.

Birds Australia –

A great resource for all things birds

Australian Moths –

A useful website for the identification of Butterfly/Moth species

Upper Goulburn Landcare Network

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Upper Goulburn Landcare Network


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