Ribbons of Remnant Roadsides (RRR) is a collaborative project between Murrindindi Shire Council (MSC) and the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network (UGLN), whereby roadsides are showcased for their biodiversity and conservation significance in the landscape.
RRR was initially proposed because it was recognised that our roadsides are a place of refuge for much of our local fauna and flora, but that there was little understanding in the community as to the value these remnant roadsides provide.
One of the projects activities is undertaking fauna surveys along the roads. Fauna survey methods include spotlighting, camera monitoring, bird counts and community nature walks.
Our camera monitoring is already showing us how important these roadsides are for providing habitat and wildlife corridors for threatened and locally rare species such as Brush-tailed Phascogales and Long-nosed Bandicoots.
Funding for the project is provided by the State Governments Community Volunteer Action Grants and the project is being coordinated by the UGLN.