Soil workshop

Karen Brisbane-Bullock discussing soils with the attendees

Karen Brisbane-Bullock discussing soils with the attendees


On Saturday the 10th September the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network (UGLN) and the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (GBCMA) held a soil sampling workshop, to assist landholders to understand the correct method to taking soil samples on their property. Twelve people were in attendance at a property in the Highlands, coming from as far as Buxton. Karen Brisbane from the GBCMA Soil Health team presented on the day and explained the importance of using the correct methods for taking soil samples and also discussed why it is important to have soils samples from our property tested. These tests can provide valuable information when planning the type of enterprise you will be running and will also assist landholders to plan their pasture management.

Landholders were provided with the necessary equipment to take samples from their own properties, which will then be sent to a soil testing laboratory. When these results are returned, a soil test interpretation and pasture management day will be held to provide the necessary follow up information.

Demonstrating how to take a correct soil sample

Demonstrating how to take a correct soil sample

This day was supported by the GBCMA and the National Landcare Program.


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