The UGLN has been operating since 2002 and has a strong and positive relationship with landholders, community organisations, schools, and government agencies.

There are 11 Landcare groups, 4 Junior Landcare groups and 4 ‘Friends of”, Natural Resource Management and climate focused groups in the Network, encompassing the Murrindindi Shire and one group from the Mansfield Shire.

We have a strong focus in many areas of natural resource management including, but not limited to; biodiversity, fire recovery, pest plant and animal control, environmental education in schools, fauna and flora monitoring, regenerative agriculture and revegetation.

We also have 2 Blackberry Action Groups (BAGs) established within the Network. Pheasant Creek BAG (Kinglake West and Kinglake Central area) and TBAG (Taggerty and Buxton area); and the King Parrot Pest Animal Cooperative that focuses on fox and feral cats management.

UGLN adopted their 5 year Strategic Plan in November, 2020. To view, click on image below.

Upper Goulburn Landcare Network

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Upper Goulburn Landcare Network


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