Sacred Kingfisher, Todiramphus sanctus

Photo credit: Ron Litjens

Upper Goulburn Landcare Network

Connecting our rural and urban communities through education and collaboration leading to positive environmental and regenerative action outcomes

Latest Projects

UGLN are always busy implementing projects and working with landholders, schools, community and agencies.

Upcoming Events

Check out some of our upcoming events such as ...

Our Groups

Our local Landcare Groups are the heart and soul of the Network, the volunteer force organising planting days, biodiversity workshops, sustainable agriculture events and much, much more.

Our Latest News

Protecting Paddock Trees Project

The Upper Goulburn Landcare Network recently completed a very successful project to protect isolated trees and groups of paddock trees on farms. As well as providing shade for stock paddock trees provide important habitat and hollows for wildlife. The fallen leaf litter and branches also provide habitat for lizards, frogs and mammals. Unfortunately, stock can…

2024 Yearly wrap-up

WhatsApp Image 2024-12-20 at 16.49.59

As summer arrives and the end of the year approaches as fast as the grass grows, it’s a perfect time to reflect on and celebrate 2024. And what a wonderful and busy year it has been across the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network. The year was full of so many meaningful projects and enjoyable events, from…

UGLN Autumn Newsletter

Deer Management Information Session When: Saturday 15th June Time: 10am – 2pm Where: Taggerty Hall. 5 Taggerty-Thornton Rd, Taggerty Are deer a problem on your land? Do they eat your pasture, fruit trees, vineyards, and native vegetation as well as damage your fencing? Do you want to know what you can do to control them…

To read more of our updates, just click on the 'news' tab in the main menu.

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About UGLN

The UGLN has been operating since 2002 and has a strong and positive relationship with landholders, community organisations and government/agency stakeholders. The Landcare Network’s role is broad:

  • Landcare group support;
  • Communication of Landcare and land management information;
  • Community capacity building;
  • Sustainable, community-driven land management;
  • Community education and project management;
  • Liaison with govt/agency stakeholders; and
  • Contribute to catchment NRM targets.

Contact: Landcare Facilitator

Chris Cobern

Mobile: 0413 855 490

Post: PO Box 74 Yea 3717


Contact: Education Projects

Zanni Waldstein

Mobile: 0413663906



President: Tony Jacobs (Yea River LG)

Vice President: Richard Evans (Cathedral Landcare)

Treasurer: Mary Cobern (Kinglake LG)

Secretary: Susan King (Strath Creek LG)

General Members:

Jim Swanton (Home Creek- Spring Creek LG)

John Stewart & Roger Cook (Kinglake LG)

Judy Brookes (Yea River Catchment LG)

Wendy Dare (Eildon LG)

Rita Seethaler (Murrindindi Climate Network)

Corinne Border (Homewood LG)

Ruth Selover (UT Creek-Leckie Park LG)

Graham Scott (Flowerdale LG)

The UGLN is supported by our Landcare Facilitator Chris Cobern.     

and Schools Support Project Officers Leigh Redding and Zanni Waldstein.



Upper Goulburn Landcare Network

proudly supported by:

Upper Goulburn Landcare Network


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Copyright 2017. Upper Goulburn Landcare Network
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