Homewood Landcare Group
- John Hamilton with his hamilton!!
- Plaque in memory of John
- Clean Up Australia Day
- Post cricket match dinner
- National Tree Day
- Post cricket match dinner
- Annette our President
- A foggy start to National Tree Day
- National Tree Day
- Some of the group at the opening of the picnic area
The Yellow Creek-Dairy Creek Group was formed in 1994 to combat Paterson’s Curse in the district. It has since evolved into a dynamic, family oriented group looking at broader environmental issues.
Over the years, the group has focussed on pest plant and animal management, revegetation and more recently has developed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Murrindindi Shire to manage the seven acre site at the old Homewood Station. The group have developed this site into a welcoming, relaxing picnic area, with stone tables and seats, a pictorial history of the station on ceramic tiles as part of a walkway leading to the picnic area and a memorial plaque in honour of John Hamilton, one of the original members of the group who sadly passed away in 2016. John was a very dedicated member of the group, always willing to donate time and machinery to the group for their activities.
The group also takes part in an annual social cricket match against neighbouring Strath Creek Landcare Group, takes part in Clean Up Australia Day, National Tree Day, working bees and also has regular get togethers to visit local sites.
President: Bec Bowles
Treasurer: Gary Cox
Secretary: Ian Sichlau