Visit to Greengate Organic Farm
An early start for the attendees from Whittlesea and a pick up in Yea then took us on a three hour bus trip up the Hume Highway to Thurgoona. Greengate Organic Farm is a learning facility connected to the NSW Riverina Institute of TAFE and is managed by Rob Fenton. Rob has spent 20…
Read MoreRibbons of Remnant Roadsides (Round 2)
The Ribbons of Remnant Roadsides project is a collaborative project between Murrindindi Shire Council (MSC) and the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network (UGLN), whereby significant conservation value roadsides are showcased for their biodiversity and contribution to ecosystem services. RRR was initially proposed because it was recognised that…
Read MoreKing Parrot Catchment Fox Control Project – DELWP Video
Spring Wildflower Walks
Many of our local landcarers have been getting out and enjoying the spring wildflowers. Members of the Kinglake and Strath Creek landcare groups recently participated in a walk along Upper King Parrot Creek Rd in Strath Creek. This…
Read MoreFox control helping with Bandicoot recovery
Since the 2009 fires monitoring with motion activated cameras has shown a resurgence in the population of Long-nosed Bandicoots around the King Parrot and Stony Creeks. This positive news has been assisted by the regular fox control carried out by Landcare in the area over the past few years. …
Read MoreUGLN Green Army Project 3 Graduation
Our third and final Green Army project has come to the end. We recently celebrated the graduation of the participants at a BBQ at ‘Hillcroft’ in Gobur and thanked the team for all their hard work over the past six months. This team did a…
Read MoreUGLN National Tree Day 2017
On a fine and sunny Sunday many of our local landcare groups hosted some very successful National Tree Day events across the upper goulburn catchment. Yellow Creek-Dairy Creek Landcare Group planted out an area on a farm along the Goulburn River, Kinglake Landcare Group held…
Read MoreKing Parrot Catchment Fox Control Project
The objective of this project is to reduce the impact of foxes on biodiversity and stock/agriculture assets in the King Parrot Creek catchment. Across mainland Australia the fox has played a major role in the decline of ground-nesting birds, small to medium sized mammals and reptiles. Foxes threaten many locally significant species such as Long-nosed…
Read MoreGreen Army July update
Our Green Army and members of the Home Creek-Spring Creek Landcare Group took part in a micro-bat activity and survey at the mine site in the Gobur Goldfields with ecologist and bat expert Rob Gration from EcoAerial. They learned about the type of bat that uses this mine…
Read MoreOfficial Opening at Homewood Station
In May this year, the Yellow Creek-Dairy Creek Landcare Group officially opened Homewood Station picnic area. The group have been restoring the site for many years with revegetation, the installation of rock slab picnic tables and seats, new signage and a memorial plaque to honour the late John Hamilton and recognise the decades of time…
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