Kinross Chook Farm

Things got pretty muddy at Kinross Chook Farm at Flowerdale this September . Treeplanting days were postponed until the access trail dried out . So far 2 Volunteers groups have contributed their time to this wetland protection project . The owners of Kinross farm have decided to fence out a couple of beautifully big dams and plant around them to enhance wildlife habitat. We saw plenty of ducks and kingfishers while we were planting .
- Cathy & De from treeproject worked with the first BMS team of 12 volunteers. Muddy conditions meant the everything had to be transported to the site by wheel barrow which was a bit of a struggle . The manager gave everyone 3 dozen eggs each as a thanks present.
- Janet and Chris looked after the second team from BMS . A small be determined group of 6 who brought with them a gourmet lunch to share . 200 sedges and grasses were planted.
- This was a landcare/ DPI partnership , Peter Mitchell organised funding for the fencing . A $2000 grant from the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories paid for the plants.