National Tree Day
National Tree Day On Sunday the 31st July – National Tree Day, 80 community members representing 8 landcare groups and the Yea Wetlands CoM spent a lovely morning planting at 8 different locations across the network, including Merton, Terip Terip, Cheviot Tunnel, Taggerty, Kinglake, Strath Creek, Flowerdale and Homewood. We were very grateful the rain held off until Monday and then gave them all a good watering.
This event is celebrated every year as part of Planet Ark National Tree Day program and in partnership with Murrindindi Shire and is possible through funding from the State Government.
Coordinated by the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network, over 1200 plants were put into the ground as a continuation of plantings completed in previous years to assist with creating a beautiful habitat linkage along the rail trail. Four of the sites planted are part of a Threatened Species program which is focussing on local roadsides of high ecological vegetation value. Those are Deviation Rd in Kinglake, Spring Valley/Old Spring Valley Rd loop in Flowerdale, Cathedral Lane in Taggerty and Frees Rd in Terip Terip.
Merton Landcare Group planted at the Merton Recreation Reserve as part of their project to restore the Wetlands in the middle of the reserve. Yellow Creek-Dairy Creek and Yea River Catchment Landcare Groups continued their planting along the Great Victorian Rail Trail. Yea Wetlands Committee of Management enjoyed the company of the local Yea Scout Group and parents to plant in the back area of the Yea Wetlands (and then enjoyed a splash in the puddles!) and Strath Creek Landcare Group planted on private property as part of the King Parrot Creek project they are working on in partnership with the GBCMA.
The morning was completed with a lunch at the Molesworth Rail Reserve, with a barbecue using the UGLN landcare trailer and at various other sites.
Thank you to all who attend and thank you to Chris Cobern, Cath Olive and Sue McNair for coordination at some of the sites on the day.
Over 1 million trees and shrubs were planted around Australia at 3000 sites making Schools National Tree Day and National Tree Day a great success.