Fox Control Workshop – Saturday 22nd November
Fox Control Workshop Attendees at this free workshop will learn the skills needed to implement a thorough fox control program on their properties. Expert speakers will demonstrate and discuss integrated control techniques including assessment/monitoring, timing, trapping, baiting, fumigation and shooting. Saturday 22nd November 10am – 2pm Where: Kinglake Scout Hall Upstairs of the main pavilion…
Read MoreKids Teaching Kids Forum
Students from the Murrindindi Shire join kids’ green revolution to celebrate 15 years of environment action. Students from the Murrindindi Shire will join forces with more than 10,000 kids across Australia as part of a kids’ green revolution that has been campaigning for the environment for 15 years.
Read MoreLorax Project – 5 Years and still going strong
The UGLN’s Lorax project is in to it’s 5th year and still going strong. This year thanks to the efforts of our corporate volunteers especially NAB, JB Were and ANZ and with great support from the Kevin Heinz Garden Centre and Conservation & Land Management students from Franklin Scholar TAFE College. So far this…
Read MoreAnother Successful National Tree Day!
On Sunday the 27th of July 50 people attended our National Tree Day (NTD) planting along the Great Victorian Rail Trail. Beginning at two ends of the trail, we began planting at Homewood and Merton then continued on to Cheviot Tunnel and Molesworth. The National Tree Day Rail Trail project began three years ago, with…
Read MoreKids Teaching Kids
On Tuesday the 10th September, 80 primary school students from eight schools within the Murrindindi Shire came together to share their environmental stories, to teach, to learn, to grow. Each school had worked for several months planning and preparing presentations which represented the environmental progams running at their schools. A coordinated effort from ‘Landcare in…
Read MorePaddock Trees Project
Upper Goulburn Landcare Network has recently secured funding from the previous Federal Government’s Community Environment Grants to protect paddock trees. Funding is being offered to landholders in the Murrindindi Shire region for fencing and planting of understorey under individual paddock trees. Funding is being provided at $5/m for fencing. Revegetation of local native shrubs funded…
Read MoreAlexandra Cub-Scouts Nest Box Project
Thanks to funding provided through the GBCMA the Alexandra Cub-Scouts have been able to build and install nest boxes at McKenzie and Mt Pleasant Reserves in Alexandra. Ten specially built nest boxes were built by the Cub-Scouts to provide alternative nesting sites for small native mammals including Sugar Gliders and the rare Brush-tailed Phascogale. Under…
Read MorePaddock Trees Project
Upper Goulburn Landcare Network has recently secured funding from the previous Federal Government’s Community Environment Grants to protect paddock trees. Funding is being offered to landholders in the Murrindindi Shire region for fencing and planting of understorey under individual paddock trees. Funding is being provided at $5/m for fencing. Revegetation of local native shrubs…
Read MoreKids Teaching Kids Forum
On Tuesday the 10th September, 80 primary school students from eight schools within the Murrindindi Shire came together to share their environmental stories, to teach, to learn, to grow. Each school had worked for several months planning and preparing presentations which represented the environmental progams running at their schools. A coordinated effort from ‘Landcare in…
Read MoreUGLN Nest Box Project (Part 2)
An important part of our nest box project is the monitoring, maintenance and record keeping of all nest boxes we’ve installed. Emerald College students inspecting boxes at Marysville Of the 475 nest boxes we’ve installed I annually monitor 373 often with the assistance of the Kinglake Scouts and Yea High School students.The other 102 boxes…
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