Fencers Without Boundaries winds up
After another very successful year the UGLN fire recovery fencing program ‘Fencers Without Boundaries’ (FWB) has finally come to an end. SA Rotary volunteers fencing at Kinglake (2011) Victorian Mobile Landcare Group (2010) FWB stalwarts John Belfio and Alan Stafford at Sunday Creek (2011) Fire affected landowners provided the fencing materials and UGLN provided the volunteer…
Read MoreLorax Project 2012
The Upper Goulburn Landcare Networks revegetation ‘Lorax Project’ has finished for another year after a very successful year of tree planting throughout the fire affected areas of Murrindindi Shire. JBWere volunteers at Buxton This year 452 volunteers from NAB, ANZ, JBWere, Camberwell Secondary College, Strath Creek Landcare Group, Kevin Heinz Garden Centre, Conservation Volunteers Australia, Kinglake…
Read MoreLong-nosed Bandicoot video footage
As part of the recent landcare fauna survey weekend on private bushland at Toolangi we captured the following footage of Long-nosed Bandicoots. Click on the play (>) symbol and wait a few moments for it to load. You can certainly see why they are called Long-nosed Bandicoots. The bandicoots long sharp claws are ideal for digging up grubs…
Read MoreFauna Survey Weekend – Toolangi
Over the weekend of 23-25 November members of the Kinglake Landcare Group and local residents carried out a fauna survey at a bushland property in Toolangi. Native Bush Rat Led by Peter Homan from RMIT and the Field Naturalist Club of Victoria the volunteers carried out trapping for small mammals and bats, spotlighting for possums…
Read MoreBuxton wetland fauna survey
The UGLN fire recovery fauna project has now extended into the Buxton area.We recently installed our remote sensor cameras at the property of Buxton residents Anthony and Tracy who have a wonderful wetland area on their farm.The wetland was fenced off a couple of years ago with the assistance of funding provided by the DPI.The…
Read MoreKinglake Wildflower Walk
On Sunday 19th August we had a small group of eleven adults and children on an enjoyable wildflower walk through the Kinglake National Park presented by a very knowledgeable Richard Francis from ABZECO. Kinglake Landcare members Peter and Will and kids The group got to see the early blossoming wattles, Love Creepers, Early Nancy lilies, Pultenaea and Daviesia species…
Plantings to establish new native vegetation continue on both Crown Land reserves and private properties throughout the Murrindindi Shire. Last week a volunteer group from the ANZ Bank’s corporate headquarters in Docklands planted out 480 sedges, grasses and shrubs on the Break O Day Reserve in Glenburn. The ANZ group came prepared for the wet…
Read MoreLong-nosed Bandicoot Recovery
The Long-nosed Bandicoot(Perameles nasuta) pictured here was recently killed by a vehicle on the Whittlesea-Yea Road and is unfortunately one of five known road-kill bandicoots in the past few months, mostly in the Stony Creek area at Kinglake West. Long-nosed bandicoot road-kill at Kinglake West There is conjecture about the reasons for this spate of…
Read MoreSpring Creek Rehabilitation
Landowners along the Spring Creek in Flowerdale have been taking advantage of UGLN’s fire recovery fencing and revegetation programs. In conjunction with the GBCMA waterway grants for fencing and off stream watering. Volunteers constructing fences on the Spring Creek With our assistance to date six landowners along Spring Valley Road in Flowerdale have fenced off their streams and remnant…
Read MoreNarbethong Holly control project
The Friends of Marysville Walks and UGLN have been carrying out a very successfull project to control Holly in bushland and along waterways in the Narbethong area. Working with and under the direction of Marilyn Connor from Friends of Marysville Walks, UGLN have controlled many hectares of holly on private and public land along Fisher Creek, Dom…
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