UGLN Green Army – Project 1
Our first 6 month Green Army project is now completed and it has been a great success.
The Green Army has been a valuable resource for our landcare groups and the Murrindindi Shire and has made a real difference to our natural environment.

Planting understorey on a farm in Yea.

Joel fencing.
Over the past six months the team achieved the following outcomes:
- Planted 2475 indigenous plants on farms throughout the upper goulburn.
- Constructed 4.6 kilometres of stock proof fencing to protect waterways and native vegetation.
- Removed 1.5 kilometres of old and hazardous fencing along the King Parrot Creek and at McKenzie Reserve.
- Built 58 nesting boxes for Brush-tailed Phascogales and Sugar Gliders.
- Installed 33 nesting boxes in native vegetation on the rail trail and along Andrews Creek
- Carried out 46 hectares of weed control along high conservation roadsides, waterways, the rail trail and bushland sites throughout the upper goulburn. Weeds included Blackberry, Briar Rose, Broom and Holly.

Helping install nest boxes along Andrews Creek.

Graduation Day
As well as other activities including:
- Fauna survey and monitoring along Frees Road Gobur, Stony Creek and Andrews Creek.
- Inspected nesting boxes throughout the upper goulburn.
- Clean up Australia Day event at three of the Yea River Reserves.
- Waterwatch activities and monitoring on the King Parrot Creek.
- Feral Cat control along the Andrews Creek.
Below are a few testimonials from members of some of our landcare groups.
Well done – great job and thanks for what you have done for our community around Taggerty, with your many skills.
We are all the better for knowing you all.
Richard and Melinda Evans, Cathedral Landcare Group.
Please pass on my congratulations to our local team. They deserve every accolade.
Judy Brookes. Yea River Landcare Group.
Thank you to yourself and your great team for all their efforts. What a top crew you have. They were a delight to have here.
Phil & Christine Challen. Cathedral Landcare Group.
I would like to place on record my appreciation – on behalf of the Strath Creek Landcare Group – for the work Lauren and her team did with us on the fencing of the King Parrot Creek.
Lauren led the team well and the work was complemented by the skills needed to ensure quality workmanship. All of the team demonstrated a genuine interest in the environment.
I trust you got as much as I did out of working with you on those few days and I sincerely wish you all every success.
Terry Hubbard. Strath Creek Landcare Group.

Planting along Little River.
We are now seeking motivated young people aged 17-24 years who want to participate in our next Green Army 20 week project starting in August.
Information to join our Green Army project can be found online at
Chris Cobern
Landcare Coordinator – Upper Goulburn Landcare Network
Ph: 0413 855 490