Whether it be the Yea Wetland, a frog bog around the house, a dam in the paddock or a water course, you’ll often see the same types of native plants occuring in these various wet environments. All of these plants have an important role in providing fringing vegetation which are a food source and a home for many frogs, insects, mammals and birds. Some of the more common species include:

- Lesser Joyweed flowering

- Knot Weed – Persecaria sp

Common Spike Sedge flowerhead

Common Spike Sedge - Eliocharus acuta

Common Water-plantain - Alisma plantago aquatica

Tall Sedge - Carex apressa

Tall Sedge flowerhead
These plants should all be looking very healthy with all the recent flooding events, most are in flower as you can see in the pictures. If you have any interesting flood photos send them to me for posting on the blog.
Thanks for the information Phil .
Not much is known about identifing wetland plants . Sedges , rushes & reeds all blend together until you look closely.
What species of rushes are found in the Yea wetlands ? Can you find spiney rush in the Upper Goulburn , it’s an indicator of salinity problems , an introduced plant that grows in Whiteheads creek and around Seymour maybe at Strath Creek .