NAB volunteers at Narbethong

The first large group of NAB volunteers for 2011 arrived Narbethong on 10/3/2011.

Forty volunteers from Head Office arrived at Saladin Lodge by coach & car .
Originally a day of fencing was planned but heavy overnight rain made vehicle assess to the fencing site impossible . Kim had plenty of other jobs to be done so after a delicious morning tea Plan B was put into action . The Uniting Church men converted a large heap of logs in firewood which one NAB team split and stacked in the shed . The fire restrictions have been lifted so Leon the gardener supervised another group clearing fallen dead timber . The bonfire they built was impressive . The third group worked with Janet on maintaining the revegetation work done last year. Kim supplied an amazing a BBQ lunch for the 50 workers in her new accommodation centre . After lunch Alan and his team took the volunteers next door to remove an old burnt fence line .
The next large NAB team will do the fence building we promised Kim.

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