Strath Creek
ANZ Landcare Fire Recovery Week
Another very succesful week of volunteer work carried out with volunteers from the ANZ bank.Throughout the week 96 volunteers assisted us with fencing, weed control, nest boxes and tree planting at fire affected properties at Kilmore East, Pheasant Creek, Strath Creek, Heathcote Junction and Narbethong. The team did a great job despite at times having…
Read MoreStrath Creek Nest Boxes
While checking nest boxes provided by the UGLN fire recovery program David and Laurie Wakefield from the Strath Creek Landcare Group were delighted to find a Brush-tailed Phascogale curled up in one of the boxes. Phascogales would have been hit hard by the Black Saturday fires, due to loss of tree hollows, ground cover and…
Read MoreANZ Risk Department MEGA WEEK Day 2
31st August 2010 . The Banking world’s financial year ends this week and all unused volunteers days cannot be carried into the next year. This has created our ANZ Risk Department Mega Week. We have committed to finding work for 40 volunteers for each day for a week. This also includes providing morning tea and…
Read MoreThree Sisters, Strath Creek.
6th August 2010 25 ANZ/GE volunteers plus Chris , Cath , David and Janet met at Terry Hubbards property in Strath Creek to do some serious tree planting . The paddocks were beautifully soggy and the hills impressively steep. We travelled to the planting site via 4WD tractor . The weather was not that kind…
Read MoreSuccessful ANZ & Landcare & Treeproject partnership continues.
July 2nd 2010Heather and Steve Joblin were assisted in repairing their large revegetation project which was burnt by the fires in Strath Creek. 300 trees were added to the steep hill sides.Volunteer workers included 8 ANZ bankers from Southbank in the city , Timothy from Treeproject plus Justus and Janet Hagen from Landcare. The chatter…
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