Healthy Hectares
The fourth in the series of Healthy Hectares workshops was held last Friday in Yea. The topic for this workshop was Encouraging Wildlife on your Farm. Guest speakers Cath Olive, Landcare Facilitator with the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network and Project Coordinator at the Euroa Arboretum and Janet Hagen Landcare Facilitator for the Strathbogie Ranges Conservation Management Network. Both ladies have over 20 years experience in Natural Resource Management.
Topics covered included;
- How do wildlife move around the landscape?
- What can you do to help wildlife on your property?
- Practical tips on revegetation on your property.

Janet and Carol discussing Carol’s property
Many of the attendees at the workshop were pleased to be able to say they already have a variety of native fauna visiting thier property but wanted to enhance their vegetation and provide corridors for fauna. Attendees are provided with maps of their properties and given individual advice for their specific requirements.
The group also walked through part of the Yea Wetlands to see some revegetation works and how these have enhanced the native fauna population in the area.
Our next workshop will be on Friday 21st July. The topic will be Pest Animals and Plants. The workshop wioll be held at the DELWP office, Binns McCrea Rd, Alexandra from 12pm – 4pm.
This workshop will cover some weed identification and weed and pest animal management.
To register for this workshop please contact Vikki Lane at the Euroa Arboretum. or telephone 0429127399