Kids Teaching Kids


Kids Teaching Kids is now in its tenth year nationally and over 10,000 kids across the country participated during Kids Teaching Kids week last week. The philosophy of Kids Teaching Kids;

Kids Teaching Kids is an education model that uses local environmental issues as a theme for learning. Kids Teaching Kids starts in the classroom and extends into the community through the Kids Teaching Kids Learning Model and Program. We know kids are prepared to take up the challenges of saving our environment when we give them responsibility to manage their own learning through the Kids Teaching Kids Learning Model.

We connect and challenge students with real world issues, inspiring them to want to know more. By giving students the opportunity to present a workshop to others during Target Kids Teaching Kids Week or at one of the Kids Conferences, students see that they can have a positive impact on the world, starting in their own communities. They are given tools to manage their own learning and become confident, caring and informed citizens ready to take on new challenges.”

Helen Gough from the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network coordinated the Murrindindi event.


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Invited guests Mayor Margaret Rae and Murrindidni Shire Council CEO Margaret Abbey were both thrilled to be able to witness the program in action. Mayor Rae, who has a background in education, commented, “I was delighted to see how engaged the students were not only in presenting their own projects, but also learning more about the environment from other students, and learning in a fun active way, in such a beautiful setting”.


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