I had the privilege of meeting a wonderfully active retired couple in Glen Waverly last week . Ron and Bevis Ellis have been growing plants in their backyard for the Landcare Bushfire Recovery Project for over 18months . Ron specializes in growing bottlebrushes from cuttings and he had 700 more ready for me to collect this week .(One more ute load left to collect next week ) He now needs the space to grow plants for the QLD flood victims . Over a cuppa Ron chatted about his cobbers in the scouts and the plant growing he had done for them over the years. All the plants are grown in recycled milk cartons collected by neighbours and he requested a special thanks be given to Bunnings for donating his potting mixes. Their whole backyard is dedicated to this plant growing project but Bevis has reserved a small plot for the clothes line ! Growing the plants is a team effort , Bevis does the weeding and watering , Ron does the propagation and potting . They say it keeps them young and active although many of their friends think they are crazy
On Australia Day Janet & Justus made a quick trip to Melbourne to collect the last load of bottlebrushes and flowering gums from Mt Waverly . We missed Ron & Bevis but the plants were laid out for us in the backyard. We left them a thank you note and must remember to send a proper card from the bushfire recovery project in appreciation of their work .
Thanks very much for your beautiful plants , I ‘m sure they will all go to good homes in the hills.