ANZ Landcare Fire Recovery Week
Another very succesful week of volunteer work carried out with volunteers from the ANZ bank.Throughout the week 96 volunteers assisted us with fencing, weed control, nest boxes and tree planting at fire affected properties at Kilmore East, Pheasant Creek, Strath Creek, Heathcote Junction and Narbethong. The team did a great job despite at times having…
Read MoreNAB volunteers at Narbethong
The first large group of NAB volunteers for 2011 arrived Narbethong on 10/3/2011. Forty volunteers from Head Office arrived at Saladin Lodge by coach & car . Originally a day of fencing was planned but heavy overnight rain made vehicle assess to the fencing site impossible . Kim had plenty of other jobs to be…
Read MoreBlackberry or Native Raspberry
The blackberry season is slowing coming to an end so this post is a little untimely! However, I think its still worth mentioning as the talk is still about how healthy Blackberry looks, or is it Native Raspberry?? Well hopefully this helps: – Native Raspberry has a different leaf structure to Blackberry. Blackberry has a single leaf…
Read MoreHow to protect regenerating trees
Ever thought of how best to protect regenerating trees and shrubs from animals browsing? Ever thought of using a dead sheep or cow? Kevin Butler has. Read more below
Read MoreJigsaw Farm
‘Jigsaw Farm’ out near Hamilton has been trialling revegetation and agro-farming techniques along side there sheep and cattle farm successfully for over 10 years. Click on the link below to read a short case study. Jigsaw case study
Read MoreLandcare Connections – Autumn edition
Landcare Connections – Autumn 2011
Read MoreRiver Redgums
If you take a drive around the low lying areas of the Goulburn Broken Catchment, you will see one tree stand out from the rest; The River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis). Another thing that stands out is how big and old (sometimes hundreds of years) the majority of the often solitary Red Gum trees are. This leads to the…
Read MoreSorting , Cleaning & Cataloguing Seed
Seed collected for the Lorax Project is currently being sorted , cleaned , weighed and catalogued ready for storing in the Goulburn Broken Indigenous Seedbanks coolroom. This seed will be available to community groups and local nurseries for propagation and use in future re vegetation projects across the bushfire areas. This fresh , diverse and…
Read MoreWetland plants
Whether it be the Yea Wetland, a frog bog around the house, a dam in the paddock or a water course, you’ll often see the same types of native plants occuring in these various wet environments. All of these plants have an important role in providing fringing vegetation which are a food source and a home for many frogs, insects, mammals…
Read MoreWeed Control Courses
Over the weekend of 19th & 20th February 23 people from the Flowerdale area attended the sixth free UGLN weed management course. The course was held at the Flowerdale Recreation Reserve pavillion and run by NMIT lecturer and Kinglake resident Kevin Chandler. A delicious morning tea and lunch was provided by Flowerdale’s own catering business…
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