Conservation Volunteers lend a Hand

An international team from Conversation Volunteers Australia helped out with our Fencers Without Boundaries program for 5 weeks in the Buxton/Narbethong area during May-June 2010.The group was well lead by team leader Andrew Matthers and constructed many kilometres of fencing.

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It rained all day but they volunteered to get wet

27/6/2010 This NAB team was pulling down a burnt fence on the Mt Slide Rd in Kinglake . It was an extremely wet day but this group insisted on volunteering for the bushfire recovery project. They worked with Chris & Bridget all morning before eventually giving in the good sense and calling it day at…

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School Holiday Stand In

28/9/2010- Catching up on a few past events.Chris , Cathy and Janet had family commitments during the school holdays , thank goodness we could call on Tim from Treeproject to stand in for us at this tree planting day in Mont View Street in Wandong . A team from the ANZ bank plant 300 seedling…

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Good deed by Scouts

Ron Ellis and Scouts from the Australian Scouting Fellowship and Heritage have grown 1000 correa’s and bottlebrush’s for our UGLN Lorax project. Ron is also the Environment Officer for the Clifford Park Scout Centre and organised for Bunnings to donate the potting mix and a local cafe donated all the milk cartons that were used…

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Scouts Kinglake West Nest Box Project

The Kinglake Scouts recently checked the Rotary built nest boxes that they installed at a property on the King Parrot Creek in November 2009. Using the UGLN nest box inspection camera the Scouts checked nine nest boxes. One had what appeared to be a Sugar Glider nest but the rest were uninhabited. The Scouts GPS’d…

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Bicycle ride to Buxton

5 November 2010 Landcare / Treeproject Partnership Janet & Chris from Landcare plus a small but super dedicated team from ANZ ‘ Group Treasury Department’ helped plant around a dam in Buxton today creating frog habitat with grasses and shrubs. Just as well this was a small group of workers because Chris and Janet were…

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Fencing in Flowerdale

On a fine spring day 30 staff from NAB Financial Planning completed 2km of fencing at Paul Michael’s Flowerdale property. The NAB team were supervised by Mick Yarwood and some of the Shepparton fella’s from the Uniting Church’s fencing team. The property is nearly 1000 acres and very steep and rugged country and we spotted…

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