Wet Feet
27/8/2010 Treeproject / Landcare Partnership Tree Planting Day. 17 ANZ volunteers De driving the Treeproject bus . Chris & Janet from Landcare. Davis Property. Glenburn. The project for the day was to plant and guard 300 understorey plants in the bare patches amongst the manna gums along the Yea River at the bottom of Gail’s…
Read MoreWood Fired Oven Pizzas for Lunch
August 26th 2010 Cathedral Lane Taggerty 14 ANZ volunteers from the Properties Dept. Chris & Janet from Landcare . 400 plants in garden restoration project . Highlights of the day – John Brantons wood fired oven pizzas for lunch, spectatular views of the Catherdral Range, photos and stories of Black Saturday survival.
Read MoreDrying Wet Work Gloves
During during past few months, having enough dry work gloves ready for the next group of volunteers has meant extra work for Landcare Fire Recovery coordinators Janet & Chris. Each night our families enjoy the company of many pairs of muddy and dripping wet leather gloves hanging around the fire place.
Read MoreManaging Roadside Vegetation HOW???
I am always interested in seeing how the bush is regenerating after the fires. The issues of how to manage this regrowth are complex. The attached pictures are an example of how roadside vegetation needs to be considered carefully. In photo one all the plants look nearly the same but if you look more closely…
Read MoreTwo Hills Road – Glenburn
20/8/2010 Treeproject / Landcare Partnership 8 ANZ VolunteersDe and Tim from TreeprojectJanet and Chris from Landcare. 300 plants for roadside screening and creek restoration at Hillary Craig’s place in Glenburn.
Read MoreSW Sydney Environment Group Day 3
19/8/2010Day 3 SW Sydney Environment Group South Catheral Lane Taggerty The Team was well prepared for the chilly Victorian weather today They worked hard to plant 300 trees to replace burnt pine trees and create a windbreak and shade for stock. Lunchtime was spent texting friends. When the planting was completed the group headed off…
Read MoreIts a Wash Out !
18th August 2010 Day 2 The SW Sydney Schools Environment Group Bushfire Seed Production Area planting at Tabilk Winery. 20 keen students plus 3 teachers. 2000 very special plants Jim, Sandsie, Bobo and Janet . The forecast was not good but the rain did not start falling until we arrived at the site. The volunteers…
Read MoreWetland Restoration at Narbethong
August 9th 2010 ANZ / Treeproject / Landcare Partnership 17 volunteers plus Lyn who drove the bus from treeproject . Janet and Cathy. Beautiful weather. Planted to restore a creek and dam below the newly rebuilt Saladin Lodge Conference Centre. Enjoyed lunch in the sunshine and a tour of the building followed by a hike…
Read MoreSmall Block – Big Job
August 10th 2010 Kinglake West -Cold wet day. A coach load of 35 NAB volunteers, Janet & Cathy. The challenge for the day was how to fit 300 plants into John & Holly’s small block. Lots of natives grasses, lillies and creepers were planted. A real ‘backyard blitz’ makeover! They lost their house and garden…
Read MoreCath Olive joins the landcare team- for a few months
Cath Olive has become a very valuable member of the Landcare Bushfire Recovery team during her short period of unemployment from DPI. For the past few months she has been visiting landholders and delivering plants in the Marysville, Buxton, Taggerty and Narbethong areas.Her help at treeplanting days has been wonderful, selecting & laying out plants,…
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