Ribbons of Remnant Roadsides (Round 2)

The Ribbons of Remnant Roadsides project is a collaborative project between Murrindindi Shire Council (MSC) and the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network (UGLN), whereby significant conservation value roadsides are showcased for their biodiversity and contribution to ecosystem services.

Burns Road Glenburn

Nodding Greenhoods Burns Rd











RRR was initially proposed because it was recognised that a number of our roadsides are a place of refuge for many of our local flora and fauna, but that there was little understanding in the community as to the value these remnant roadsides provide, not only for biodiversity but also for soil stability, water quality and landscape values.

Old Highlands Rd

Hyacinth Orchid










A $23,000 grant was obtained from the Victorian State Governments Threatened Species Protection Initiative programme and the project is coordinated by the UGLN.

Kings Rd sign











Round 2 of the project included Old Highlands Rd-Highlands, Kings Rd-Kinglake West, Burns Rd-Glenburn and Upper King Parrot Ck Rd-Strath Ck.

Botanical Report

Botanical Report











Botanical and fauna surveys, noxious and environmental weed control, understorey revegetation, new signage and a suite of community engagement activities were organised on these roadsides.

Wildflower walk – Upper King Parrot Ck Rd

Sun-orchid (Thelymitra )









Noxious weed control was undertaken by MSC under the councils Roadside Pest and Weed Control program and environmental woody weed control was undertaken by the Green Army and Conservation Volunteers (CVA) and co-ordinated by UGLN.

Planting along Upper King Parrot Ck Rd










Plantings of approximately 900 understorey species were conducted on all four sites as part of National Tree Day and throughout the year by the CVA and Green Army.

CVA and landcare members planting along Burns Rd.









New signage was installed on the roadsides indicating the endangered species known within the roadside and flora and flora endemic to that locality (identified through Botanical surveys) and how the new plantings protect and enhance their habitat.

Agile Antechinus – Old Highlands Rd

Mountain Brush-tailed Possum (Bobuck)









Fauna surveys were undertaken using remote sensor cameras and bird counts. many interesting and rare wildlife was observed including Diamond Firetail Finches, Long-nosed Bandicoots, Bobuck (Mountain Brush-tailed Possum), Agile Antechinus and Sugar Gliders.

Long-nosed Bandicoot – Kings Rd

Sugar Glider using one of the nest boxes







Nesting boxes for Brush-tailed Phascogales, Sugar Gliders and other wildlife were also installed along the roads with the assistance of our Green Army and the Yea High School students.

Yea High School students installing nest boxes at Burns Rd

Green Army installing nest boxes along Upper King Parrot Ck Rd











The final activity will be a night walk-spotlighting event along Burns Road Glenburn in autumn this year.

Gathering before the night walk at Frees Rd.

Night Walk-spotlighting participants








The project has been a fantastic collaboration between the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network and Murrindindi Shire Council.

Green Army weed control – Kings Rd










Funding has recently been approved for Round 3 of this project and will include the following roads Racecourse Rd-Yea, Native Dog Rd-Molesworth, Old Fawcett Rd-Alexandra and Captains Creek Rd-Glenburn.

1 Comment

  1. Sally Abbott Smith on March 13, 2018 at 11:09 am

    The Ribbons of Remnant Roadsides project (RRR), between Murrindindi Shire Council (MSC) and the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network (UGLN) has been very worthwhile. The information gathered on the plants and animals are is now a valuable local resource and benchmark for the future. Keep up this good work, for a brighter environmental assett.

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