UGLN Green Army December update
Our Green Army team have had another busy and productive month.
Weed control and fuel reduction works have begun along the UT Creek and the rail trail in Alexandra. They have also continued with the Hawthorn and Briar Rose control along Godfreys Creek in Gobur and Broom control at Kinglake West.
The team participated in the annual Challenge Bird Count along the rail trail at Limestone. This year we observed 32 species. Highlights included Restless Flycatchers, Rufous Songlark and the Dusky Woodswallow.
They have also started their first fencing job and have been fencing off a very significant wetland area in Yea.
The team have also been monitoring nest boxes. Sugar Gliders were found to be using many of the boxes that the Green Army and Kinglake Scouts had installed along the rail trail.