2020 King Parrot Catchment Fox Control Project (KPCFCP) camera monitoring program.
43 cameras were deployed over April 2020 on properties of participants in the King Parrot Catchment Fox Control Project (KPCFCP).


Including 19 locations in the Upper Catchment, 15 in the Mid Catchment and 9 in the Lower Catchment.
Results show that fox numbers are down again in the Upper Catchment (Kinglake area) with foxes detected on camera 115 times in 2019 and only 83 times in 2020.
In the Mid Catchment (Flowerdale area) fox numbers were well down from 66 in 2019 to 36 in 2020.
Fox numbers were stable in the Lower Catchment (Strath Creek area).
The reduction in fox numbers was very noticeable on properties that are also involved in our fox baiting programs.


Swamp Wallaby
It was very pleasing to see that Long-nosed Bandicoots had almost doubled in the Kinglake area with an increase from 34 detections in 2019 to 62 in 2020.

Long-nosed Bandicoot

Long-nosed Bandicoot
Brush-tailed Possum numbers had also doubled in the Flowerdale area (19 in 2019 to 39 in 2020).

Common Brush-tailed Possum

Bobuck or Mountain Brush-tailed Possum
Concerningly cat numbers were up with many appearing to be roaming domestic cats at night. Two photos were of cats that had caught and killed a young baby possum and a native bush rat.

Domestic cat with a young possum

Domestic Cat
Rabbit numbers were also down on the Kinglake participating properties. Possibly indicating that foxes DON’T control rabbits but landowners can.

The native Bush Rat

Ringtail Possum
Other wildlife photographed included Echidnas, Swamp Wallaby, Bobuck (Mountain Brush-tailed Possum), Ringtail Possum, Wombats, Grey Kangaroo, Native Bush Rats, Agile Antechinus, Dusky Antechinus and Sambar and Fallow Deer.

Fallow Deer – Pest species

Some interesting birds detected include Lyrebirds throughout Kinglake, Tawny Frogmouth at Flowerdale, many Bassian Thrush and Olive Whistlers in Kinglake and White-winged Choughs were common in Strath Creek.

The very well camouflaged Bassian Thrush

For more information about participating in this project contact Project Officer Chris Cobern on 0413 855 490 or ugln.projects@ugln.net

Olive Whistler

White-winged Choughs
Nice pics Chris.
Good work.
Oh well many more cat traps needed for deployment l guess.
Very pleasing to see positive results from fox control for indigenous fauna and flora. Our Junction Hill property has benefitted and it helps to ensure that the return of Lyrebirds in the 1990’s is a continuing increase in biodiversity. Control of deer needs more work from authorities such as removing legislation that protects them.