Green Army July update
Our Green Army and members of the Home Creek-Spring Creek Landcare Group took part in a micro-bat activity and survey at the mine site in the Gobur Goldfields with ecologist and bat expert Rob Gration from EcoAerial.

Gobur mine site
They learned about the type of bat that uses this mine and its habitat requirements. We were very excited to find the colony of threatened Eastern Horseshoe Bats doing very well and counted 38> individuals.

Eastern Horseshoe Bat at Gobur

Eastern Horseshoe Bat (Photo Aaron Payne)
They have also been planting Tree Violet and Hedge Wattle at the Gobur Goldfields site to replace the woody weeds Hawthorn and Briar Rose that the team have been removing from along a section of the Godfrey Creek.

Planting at Highlands
Revegetation projects have also recently been carried out by our Green Army at another nearby property in Gobur, at Killingworth, Highlands, Glenburn, Limestone and along the Andrews Creek in Taggerty.

Planting at Killingworth
Mulching and weed control has commenced along the UT Creek in Alexandra.

Planting in the fog at Gobur.

Pennington Lane Gobur
The team also removed environmental weeds including holly, privet and honeysuckle from along the high conservation significant roadside vegetation on Burns Road in Glenburn and continued with the holly and broom control works along the Stony Creek and nearby habitat corridor reserves in Kinglake West.

Holly control along Stony Creek
It is really heartwarming amidst the anxiety of general natural environment decline to read of your good efforts to restore and enhance our local habitats. Sally