Protecting Paddock Trees Project
The Upper Goulburn Landcare Network recently completed a very successful project to protect isolated trees and groups of paddock trees on farms. As well as providing shade for stock paddock trees provide important habitat and hollows for wildlife. The fallen leaf litter and branches also provide habitat for lizards, frogs and mammals. Unfortunately, stock can…
Read More2024 Yearly wrap-up
As summer arrives and the end of the year approaches as fast as the grass grows, it’s a perfect time to reflect on and celebrate 2024. And what a wonderful and busy year it has been across the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network. The year was full of so many meaningful projects and enjoyable events, from…
Read MoreUGLN Autumn Newsletter
Deer Management Information Session When: Saturday 15th June Time: 10am – 2pm Where: Taggerty Hall. 5 Taggerty-Thornton Rd, Taggerty Are deer a problem on your land? Do they eat your pasture, fruit trees, vineyards, and native vegetation as well as damage your fencing? Do you want to know what you can do to control them…
Read MoreCircular Economy Business event
Last month Upper Goulburn Landcare Network collaborated with the Murrindindi Shire Council on hosting a Circular Economy think tank event for local businesses. The keynote speaker from Sustainability Victoria, Florian van den Corput, started the proceedings with an enlightening education on the current state of our planet, our consumption levels and how long these…
Read MoreCultivating Connections: Upper Goulburn Intrepid Landcare’s Successful Event at Polly McQuinns
On February 17th, Upper Goulburn Intrepid Landcare hosted a memorable event at Polly McQuinns in Strathbogie, focusing on weed management and tree guard maintenance. With a wave of fresh faces infusing new energy, the day proved both beneficial for the land and invigorating for relationships. Folks dove into the task of managing St John’s…
Read MoreThank you, Terry!
Thank you, Terry! It is with much gratitude that we acknowledge Terry Hubbard OAM, who is retiring from the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network and Landcare Victoria Board, after many years of service. Terry has been on the Board since Landcare Victoria Inc. formed in early 2017, from a merger of the Farm Tree & amp;…
Read MoreUGLN Farm Dams for Wildlife Project
UGLN recently completed their very successful Farm Dams for Wildlife project. The project helped to rehabilitate, revegetate and permanently exclude stock from 14 farm dams on 9 properties across the Upper Goulburn region. It helped to increase aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity and habitat, improve water quality and repair degraded soils in and around the 14…
Read More2022 King Parrot Catchment Fox Control Project (KPCFCP) Camera Monitoring Program.
Monitoring is crucial to any pest plant or pest animal control program. This year 40 cameras were deployed on properties of participants in the King Parrot Catchment Fox Control Project (KPCFCP) as part of the KPCFCP’s annual monitoring program. This included 16 locations in the Upper Catchment, 14 in the Mid Catchment and 10 in…
Ribbons of Remnant Roadsides (RRR) is a collaborative project between Murrindindi Shire Council (MSC) and the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network (UGLN), whereby roadsides are showcased for their biodiversity and conservation significance in the landscape. RRR was initially proposed because it was recognised that our roadsides are a place…
Read MoreKing Parrot Catchment Fox Control Project – 2021 Camera Monitoring Program
43 cameras were recently deployed on properties of participants in the King Parrot Catchment Fox Control Project (KPCFCP). This included 19 locations in the Upper Catchment, 15 in the Mid Catchment and 9 in the Lower Catchment. Results show that fox numbers have been steadily decreasing in the…
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