National Tree Day
UGLN and the Kinglake Landcare Group hosted two National Tree Day activities at the Koala Browse Reserve in Kinglake. On Friday 26th July 50 students and teachers helped to plant almost 400 plants in only a few short hours and on Sunday 28th July a small band of dedicated volunteers in windy and cold conditions helped…
Read MoreStrath Creek Biodiversity Project
The Strath Creek Biodiversity Project is a two-year initiative, funded by the Australian Government’s Biodiversity Fund. This project will build links of native vegetation across private land in the fragmented landscape of the King Parrot Creek, NE of Melbourne, Victoria. Marginal agricultural land (primarily steep hills), as well as riparian habitat, will be transformed into…
Read MoreTarget Kids Teaching Kids Forum
On Tuesday 10th September, eight schools from the Murrindindi Shire will be gathering at the Yea Wetlands to share their knowledge. Schools across the shire are currently incorporating environmental studies into their curriculum. It is these projects which the kids will present to each other at the forum. Two schools who are leading the way…
Read MoreNational Tree Day
National Tree Day 2013 click to open flier National Tree Day is on Sunday the 28th July. Join the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network and four local Landcare groups who will be planting adjacent to the Rail Trail. We will be starting the day concurrently at Merton and Cheviot Tunnel with morning tea provided at both…
The Goulburn River is an ancient landform. In consequence its path has changed many times creating an enormous collection of billabongs. You only have to look at a Google map of a typical section between say Molesworth and Alexandra to recognise the significant number of billabongs created as the river has changed its course over…
Read MoreHome Creek-Spring Creek Celebrate 21 years of Landcare.Approximately
Home Creek-Spring Creek Celebrate 21 years of Landcare. 40 past and present members and guests of Home Creek-Spring Creek Landcare Group met for lunch at the Yarck Community Hall on Sunday 5th May to celebrate 21 years as an active landcare group. Special guest speaker Horrie Pousard gave a fascintating talk about the establishment of…
Read MoreLorax Project starts back for 2013
On the 3oth May, Corporate volunteers from JBWere and National Australia Bank descended on the property of Rick and Claire Clark, Wildlfe carers and members of the King Parrot Creek Environment Group. Other members of the group; David, Laurie, Steve and Heather also assisted on the day. JBWere and NAB volunteers We planted 480 native trees,…
Read MoreLong-nosed Bandicoot update – Glenburn
Long-nosed Bandicoot (LNB) numbers seem to have increased since the 2009 fires along the Stony Creek at Kinglake West, along the King Parrot Creek down to Hazeldene and at Toolangi.The thick regrowth of native vegetation has probably favoured the bandicoots and provided protection from predators such as foxes and cats.Our fauna monitoring with remote sensor…
Read MoreGreater Glider recovery project
Thanks to funding provided by Landcare Australia the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network has been able to provide alternative nesting sites for the Greater Gliders living along the Number Two and Number One Creeks at Kinglake. Kinglake Rover Sam helping to install the nest boxes. The Greater Glider Petauroides volans Twelve specially built nest boxes…
Read MoreCalifornia Conservation Corps
Volunteers from the California Conservation Corps (CCC) are currently in Australia on an 8 week exchange project with Conservation Volunteers Australia. The have been working in South Australia and Victoria carrying out erosion and salinity control, seed collection, construction and maintenance of walking tracks, endangered flora and fauna surveys and monitoring. During their time in Victoria the…
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