Strath Creek Biodiversity Project

Strath Creek Biodiversity projectStrath Creek Planting

The Strath Creek Biodiversity Project is a two-year initiative, funded by the Australian Government’s Biodiversity Fund. This project will build links of native vegetation across private land in the fragmented landscape of the King Parrot Creek,  NE of Melbourne, Victoria. Marginal agricultural land (primarily steep hills), as well as riparian habitat, will be transformed into a biodiversity asset, using revegetation, protection of high quality remnants, modified grazing systems and pest management. Participating landholders and the broader community will learn about the opportunities becoming available through ‘carbon farming’. This project will create demonstration sites to facilitate community education about climate change and carbon farming.

The project is overseen by a Steering Committee and includes representation from the major local stakeholders:
■Ian McKaskill (Chair), representing the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network.
■Sue McNair, representing the Shire of Murrindindi.
■Terry Hubbard and David Wakefield, local landholders & representing Strath Creek Landcare Group.
■Mark Feltrin, local landholder & representing the North-east Tree Growers.
■Cath Olive, Facilitator, Upper Goulburn Landcare Network.
■Brad Costin, Dept. of Primary Industries, Broadford.
■Charlie Sexton, Regional Landcare Facilitator, Goulburn Broken CMA.
■Tony Kubeil, Goulburn Broken CMA.
■Steve Joblin, local landholder & Project Coordinator.
■Bertram Lobert, Project Manager.

For further information about this project go to;

Or contact:

Project Officer: Steve Joblin 0412 334 521, or

Project Manager: Bertram Lobert 03 5790 8606, bertram.lobert@

Steering Committee Chair: Ian McKaskill, 0416 250 203,

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