Strath Creek Nest Boxes
While checking nest boxes provided by the UGLN fire recovery program David and Laurie Wakefield from the Strath Creek Landcare Group were delighted to find a Brush-tailed Phascogale curled up in one of the boxes. Phascogales would have been hit hard by the Black Saturday fires, due to loss of tree hollows, ground cover and…
Read MorePhascogale found!
While checking nest boxes the other day, we were delighted to find a Brush-tailed Phascogale (or Tuan) curled up in one of the boxes. This particular home-made box has been up for a number of years, and the phascogale is the first known inhabitant. Phascogales need hollows for shelter and nesting. Due to the large-scale…
Read MoreFour Wheel Drivers Fencing Team
Geoff, Fred, Marg, Sparky and Ron are the stalwarts of our 4WD fencing team. They have been donating their time on weekends to help landcare and bushfire recovery. They have been a great help fencing in the muddy, wet conditions this winter where four wheel driving expertize was needed. They have worked on properties at…
Read More‘Accenture Australia’
28th February 2011 Holly removal from the gardens of the historical “Hermitage” Guest House on the Black Spur at Narbethong. Thirteen employees from Accenture joined Phil and Janet from Landcare for a peaceful day of ‘cutting and painting’ wild holly with loppers and herbicide. The original gardens at ‘The Hermitage’ were laid out by Baron…
Read MoreMount Waverly Legends Ron and Bevis Ellis grow Bottlebrushes
ount I had the privilege of meeting a wonderfully active retired couple in Glen Waverly last week . Ron and Bevis Ellis have been growing plants in their backyard for the Landcare Bushfire Recovery Project for over 18months . Ron specializes in growing bottlebrushes from cuttings and he had 700 more ready for me to…
Read MoreFire Recovery Fencing Blitz
The last few months of 2010 was a fencing blitz for the fire affected people of Glenburn, Kinglake, Flowerdale and Pheasant Creek. The volunteers kept coming. We had individual volunteers from Reservoir, Wallan and Belgrave; the Uniting Church boys from Shepparton and Benalla, Green Corps from Seymour, 4WD club from Melbourne, a corporate group from…
Read MoreSeed collecting for Lorax Project
Seed collecting activities began on the 20th of December and have been intensive over the past 10 days. Sarah Roberts and Janet have been working together to collect seeds in the Marysville, Eildon , Cathedral Range , Lake Mountain and Strathbogie Ranges areas.Cath Olive is collecting around Taggery , Yea and the Black Range .…
Read MoreHappy Christmas EVERYONE see you again next year
There were many international volunteers in the group , this girl had only been in Australia for five days . New Coordinator Phil Rance helped out in Chris’ absence ( Mary has badly broken her ankle and is in hospital awaiting an operation )and enjoyed his first day working with volunteers. The bus driver spent…
Read MoreGumboots Essential for Aquatic Planting
6/12/2010 Kinross Farm Flowerdale 20 volunteers from the Commonwealth Serum Laboratory . Parkville (Biotherapies & Human Viral Vaccines plus 11 volunteers from the Department of Planning and Community Infrastructure. Spring Street Office. Janet & Karen Brisbane . Our very first aquatic planting day , yes we were actually planting sedges , rushes and reeds ,…
Read MoreVictorian Mobile Landcare Group
The Victorian Mobile Land Care Group are wonderful bunch of conservationalists who travel all over the state helping to improve our environment and assist whose in need . They have plenty of fun together while doing this noble work . We have been fortunate to have Doug Parke and his team return this year to…
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